CVE-2020-16898 CVSS score 9.8 The last time I checked we had No scanner pattern available yet. (According to Rapid 7...
Year: 2020
Getting a logo created is not that expensive, still there are too many groups out there who just like to...
Zerologon attack could lets hackers take over enterprise networks. Name: ZeroLogon CVE-2020-1472 10/10 CVSSv3 Severity score Attack Type: Elevation of...
If you have Windows DNS server you need to patch ASAP • 17-Year-Old Critical 'Wormable' RCE Vulnerability Impacts Windows DNS...
If you haven’t updated Windows recently, now would be a very good time good time. Hackers are “targeting unpatched systems”...
EasyJet has fallen victim to a cyber-attack, which has resulted in exposing email addresses and travel details from about 9...
After customers details which included items like emails address and passwords were listed for sale on underground forums Charbooks confirmed...
FBI warns teleconference meetings may be vulnerable to hijacking. Two schools in Massachusetts reported incidents where an unidentified individual accesses...
At the end of Feb Marriott identified the potential breach. Their investigation identified that the incident exposed guests' personal information...
Zeus Sphinx malware has been lying dormant for years, but now a new strain has emerged to capitalize on the...